Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Comfort or Peace

Blackberry blossoms at Sis' house.

I'm feeling somewhat disconnected from the grief book this week. I've read chapters 6 and 7 and they seem to be a restating of concepts from previous chapters. I'll keep at it and come back to them. I have a long weekend away so maybe some thinking time. I do find the message of the presence of God within my grief resonates. Many of the quotes come from the Psalms. The psalmist openly pours out his heart and receives comfort. And, there are the well known passages about sorrow lasting for the night and comfort coming in the morning.

Lately it's not so much about comfort as much as it's beginning to resonate. That moment in church on Sunday was like an open window letting in a breeze of peace. Perhaps the comfort and peace are closely tied together. And, my brain just started with "...tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy....." Nothing like having words and phrases deeply connected to melodies. Now I'll have to read all the verses to that Christmas classic and see if it ties in more than just the word comfort.

Later: Indeed it does tie in on a level I didn't really know I was aware of. But when I read this article http://touchstonemag.com/archives/article.php?id=19-10-003-e I understood why my brain stayed stuck on the carol.

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