Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Santolina Show!

I do believe I asked for masses of little blooms to pop open!

Brightening the flower bed under the Mediterranean Palm.

At dusk. I was trying to see if less contrast, less light would give me clearer photos of the flowers. I think it worked.

After working very hard with the macro setting here is the Santolina Photo of the Day:

And the runner up:

Calla Lily Pair: I spent a fun day with my younger niece and nephew on Saturday. It was her birthday but also Fire Services Day. Her Dad surprised her with a little birthday part at his station. He and her brother had made her a balance beam so she can practice at home! Grandpa came along and we had a fine time looking at different type of fire trucks. Some were those my brother had helped design. My brother also surprised the kids with their new pets, Sulcata Tortoises from Africa.

After reading up on them with the kids I can say these are not the tortoises for just anyone. They take some very specific care and need a large area or yard. At 12 years old they could weigh 25 pounds. They will grow to 100 pounds and be about 24 inches long. They are also very long lived and can be expected to outlive their owners.


  1. How neat! Now, those are animals that I would enjoy. When I was a PK teacher, I had a tortoise in my class. I had inherited them from my master teacher and then passed him on when I left after 6 years. From what I have heard, Leo is still in the building 5 years later! He is just "family" and no one wants him to leave... :)

    WHat a neat birthday for your neice!

  2. It's wonderful how animals connect so quickly. After all of our reading I decided this is not a pet I would like. They are a lifetime commitment and have such specific needs, especially for feeding.

    My brother and his kids have quite the menagerie. One aging horse, two dogs, legless lizards, frogs of some type, and the tortoises. I'm sure I'm forgetting something! He's such a good daddy helping his kids enjoy animals and engaging their interests.


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